How do you get rid of tiny ants all over the house?

Viewed 39

We have hordes of these little tiny ants all over the casita and wondering if folks just live with them or if there is some truly natural way to control them (other than diatomaceous earth. Our house looks like a scene from Scarface and it’s not working)? We also tried a spray made with peppermint and lavender essential oils and that has done nothing either. All advice appreciated

1 Answers
  • I use straight white vinegar in a spray bottle. Spray all their trails and them. Works great! (requires regular application, but is pet and kids safe!)
  • Straight oregano oil has been known to work too
  • Borax
  • Wipe down the areas with Tea Tree or Oregano Oil. And make sure you never leave food or garbage around. It will reduce them significantly.

It also helps to have regular habits of cleaning all crumbs, drips and dishes immediately. Not an easy ask for renters. Those little ants have decided your house is a cash cow, but they will lose interest if there’s no food and regular disruption from vinegar and just wiping them up and washing them down the drain. It will get better!!

The "Lets just kill em!" method (no moral judgement, but keep in mind they were there first...)

Ants can't resist honey!

  • Half a cup of honey
  • 1/4 of a cup of borax
  • 2 tablespoons of water

Ratio of honey to borax is 2:1 - e.g if use 1tsp of borax need to use 2tsp of honey. The ants take the disguised borax back to their nest which kills the rest of the ants. Set multiple honey traps up by placing the honey/borax mixture in upturned jar lids in key spots next to their trails as there can be multiple nests in one house.

Yes you can, but you can also purchase it here. Borax is sold in Love Organic for example. Yes, there are places in CR that sell essential oils.